Visualization + Exercise a Synergistic Combo


If you exercise regularly, you know how good it is for your mind and body. It feels good to have a good, heart pumping workout.

If you meditate, visualize or use affirmations, you know how powerfully your life can change and improve.

But have you ever combined the two? Try it sometime, you’ll be so glad you did!!

I typically work out on a stationary bike at home. I like to read or watch a really engaging show while doing my workout, to help the time pass more enjoyably. I used to work out at the gym and with music, I’d tend to daydream a bit and I always really loved that time. It felt so much like ME TIME. Not just for the fact that I was getting exercise, but because I was there on the elliptical or the treadmill for x amount of time and there was nothing else I had to do but feel good and get my heart pumping and body moving.

It was only the other day when I started to really notice how powerful it was to INTENTIONALLY visualize or daydream during a workout. Even without any music playing, I started out the other day with the intention of just visualizing/imagining something pleasant for a couple minutes. 45 minutes later I was STILL wrapped up in my visualization and my workout was over. I wanted more:)

We’re busy people these days. Not everyone has the discipline to set aside quiet time to bask in the great feelings of imagining and visualizing our dreams and desires. But a lot of us have time to sit in front of the tv and passively absorb the dreams of OTHER people! Why is that?

Give it a try once. Try it for a minimum of 5 minutes. I bet you’ll find your cardio workouts moving more quickly and you might even want to work out longer, since you’ll be having such a great experience, and not looking at the time:)

You don’t have to be a “visual” person to do this. I’m not that visual in my mind, but what I do is really imagine the feelings, “see” as much as I’m able (with my eyes closed whenever possible), and I like to imagine the conversations going on, the things I’m saying or people are saying to me… since I workout at home, sometimes I even SAY the words out loud. If you work out at the gym you might want leave that part out, haha:)
The more feelings you can generate, the better. And because you’re already moving and your blood is pumping, you’ll likely find it much easier than you would if you were sitting in a quiet room as if in meditation. This is an ACTIVE process, a CREATIVE process. Feel the energy flowing through you, feel it surrounding you, feel it in an expansive way. And then daydream away… think of what you want… that perfect lover, that new job that you love, the book you’ve been wanting to write… paying off your credit cards… buying the home you desire… visualize your health improving (it helps to think of the activities you’ll do when you see yourself as healthy & well)… see that child you’ve been wanting… imagine yourself playing with him or her, even say or think of the conversations you’ll have with this wonderful new life…

Whatever it is that you desire, imagine yourself having it and living that life. Just try it for a few minutes the next time you workout. Then post your thoughts, feelings & experiences here!! Thanks:) I’m SO looking forward to reading your comments!!!

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4 Responses to “Visualization + Exercise a Synergistic Combo”

  1. radsurfergirl says on :

    i just love this blog!! i had to read it when you put this on twitter. i must say. i think im a natural!! LOL!! i have been doing this.. it feels good. and seriously i really consider this as my ME TIME 🙂 i sometimes talk out loud haha!! then i realize oops im visualizing out loud. haha 🙂

    i think the best way to visualize is when your eyes are open. it’s a better way of exercising your visualizations 🙂

    thank you for a very nice blog!

  2. Michael Schneider says on :

    Sounds like good advice to me 🙂

  3. SpiritualShow says on :

    Today I spent 10 minutes riding my bike just feeling and mentally saying thank you, thank you, thank you, my prayers are answered, thank you, thank you, thank you. I really focused on bringing up the feelings of gratitude. It was so easy and felt so good, and I really feel like it shifted something:)

  4. towel radiators says on :

    I love the way you sound so passionate about what you are writing. Keep up the great work!

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