Archive for the ‘create your reality’ Category

Module 2 is halfway through!


I’m already halfway through Module 2 of Erickson College’s Art and Science of Coaching. This module is just flying by! I am really enjoying it, and I think I might have taken it on a weekly basis rather than the accelerated twice a week pace… though maybe I would be hungry for more if it was once a week.

In the past week, we have covered a lot of tools in time management, examining our perception of time (and how our clients view time), prioritizing tasks, visioning and mission statements and how to empower our clients to create more passion and motivation for their projects. It’s been an exciting and knowledge-packed week!

Visualization + Exercise a Synergistic Combo


If you exercise regularly, you know how good it is for your mind and body. It feels good to have a good, heart pumping workout.

If you meditate, visualize or use affirmations, you know how powerfully your life can change and improve.

But have you ever combined the two? Try it sometime, you’ll be so glad you did!!

I typically work out on a stationary bike at home. I like to read or watch a really engaging show while doing my workout, to help the time pass more enjoyably. I used to work out at the gym and with music, I’d tend to daydream a bit and I always really loved that time. It felt so much like ME TIME. Not just for the fact that I was getting exercise, but because I was there on the elliptical or the treadmill for x amount of time and there was nothing else I had to do but feel good and get my heart pumping and body moving.

It was only the other day when I started to really notice how powerful it was to INTENTIONALLY visualize or daydream during a workout. Even without any music playing, I started out the other day with the intention of just visualizing/imagining something pleasant for a couple minutes. 45 minutes later I was STILL wrapped up in my visualization and my workout was over. I wanted more:)

We’re busy people these days. Not everyone has the discipline to set aside quiet time to bask in the great feelings of imagining and visualizing our dreams and desires. But a lot of us have time to sit in front of the tv and passively absorb the dreams of OTHER people! Why is that?

Give it a try once. Try it for a minimum of 5 minutes. I bet you’ll find your cardio workouts moving more quickly and you might even want to work out longer, since you’ll be having such a great experience, and not looking at the time:)

You don’t have to be a “visual” person to do this. I’m not that visual in my mind, but what I do is really imagine the feelings, “see” as much as I’m able (with my eyes closed whenever possible), and I like to imagine the conversations going on, the things I’m saying or people are saying to me… since I workout at home, sometimes I even SAY the words out loud. If you work out at the gym you might want leave that part out, haha:)
The more feelings you can generate, the better. And because you’re already moving and your blood is pumping, you’ll likely find it much easier than you would if you were sitting in a quiet room as if in meditation. This is an ACTIVE process, a CREATIVE process. Feel the energy flowing through you, feel it surrounding you, feel it in an expansive way. And then daydream away… think of what you want… that perfect lover, that new job that you love, the book you’ve been wanting to write… paying off your credit cards… buying the home you desire… visualize your health improving (it helps to think of the activities you’ll do when you see yourself as healthy & well)… see that child you’ve been wanting… imagine yourself playing with him or her, even say or think of the conversations you’ll have with this wonderful new life…

Whatever it is that you desire, imagine yourself having it and living that life. Just try it for a few minutes the next time you workout. Then post your thoughts, feelings & experiences here!! Thanks:) I’m SO looking forward to reading your comments!!!

My favourite Hay House radio host is having a 6 month course in manifesting!


Sign up for the course here

My favourite Hay House Radio host, Summer McStravick, is going to be running a 6 month course in manifesting. I’ve taken this description of the course from the sign-up page

The Art of Flowdreaming: A Six-Course Manifesting Intensive

You’ve tried positive thinking. You’ve tried the Secret. You’ve read Abraham and all the others. And still, what you want to manifest isn’t showing up. You say to yourself:

● I’m thinking good thoughts and practicing the law of Attraction. Why isn’t it working?
● How do I know if I’m even manifesting what’s best for me, or if it’s part of God’s plan for me?
● What am I doing wrong? Because I’ve tried this all before and it didn’t work.
● I know it works, but when will the things I’m manifesting come to me?
● I’ve had success, but never in one certain area. Why can’t I change things for myself there?
● Can I learn to manifest good things for other people, like my spouse or children?

Summer answers these questions and more in her groundbreaking 6-session course that covers every aspect of manifesting through a highly practical technique called Flowdreaming. Summer’s expert knowledge as a manifesting practitioner is translated into every workshop as she teaches you what it means to work with the subtle energies of the Universe. She shows you how to harness universal Flow, and channel it toward your own desires.

Each of you is asked to come to class with a list of your deepest desires. Summer will teach you not just how to send out energy and work with the Universal field of creation, but to bring in help, guidance, and ease in obtaining each of these wishes in your life.

As part of every class, Summer gives you a 5-minute downloadable mp3 of a targeted Flowdream for practicing between classes. Those who take the whole course will receive six Flowdream mp3s to keep, and 9 hours of deeply informative, detailed instruction. A Q&A session with Summer ends every class.

Summer’s powerful abilities and understanding of universal energies has been recognized by such preeminent teachers as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Gregg Braden, Cheryl Richardson, Denise Linn, Carol Ritberger, and Colette Baron-Reid. She has emerged as a leader in the field of manifesting and has been referred to as a rare teacher of the “mysteries.”

“Summer has uncovered a brilliant method for using intention with beauty and precision. A wonderful guide to the art of manifesting.”
— Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Note: The course workbook is Creative Flowdreaming by Summer McStravick. Buy now and Save 50%! Summer will offer suggested chapters to read to strengthen your understanding between each lesson. Reading is not mandatory, but will greatly enrich your experience.

The entire series is hosted over the Internet, and you can listen through your computer browser. You can also use our toll-free number to call Summer during selected times in each class. If you purchase the series and can’t make a class date, you will still be able to listen to the entire class through your customer account at, at your leisure.

If you want to sign up for the 6 months course, CLICK HERE
If you don’t already have the book Creative Flowdreaming, you’ll need it for the course and can get a 50% discount if you CLICK HERE

If you sign up by April 7th you’ll receive a discount. Also, if you’re a Wisdom Community Member, you’ll get an even larger discount. 🙂 See you there!
To sign up to be a Wisdom Community Member CLICK HERE

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