Archive for the ‘inner peace’ Category

If you want to experience more gratitude and happiness, today’s episode is for you


Today on Synchronicity, I spoke with author, intuitive and DailyOM teacher, Sara Wiseman, about her new book, Living a Life of Gratitude. But the discussion went much deeper than just being grateful for the good things in your life. Her book takes you through your entire life process, from birth to death, and shows you how to find gratitude for your life experiences.

As a trauma and abuse survivor, I had a lot of questions around resistance to meditation and even being able to look back on life and find things to appreciate, when the idea of remembering the past is painful.

If you have had past trauma, would like to release regrets and negative beliefs, experience more gratitude, connection and an open heart, today’s episode is for you. You can find it the November 18th, 2013 episode of Synchronicity: Talk Radio for Your Mind, Body and Soul on the podcast page (just click the link).

If you find this episode helpful, inspiring or otherwise valuable, please share it with your friends and through social media. You can connect with me on Twitter @MarieBenard and

You can also receive the most influential episodes of Synchronicity history by signing up for my mailing list, on the main page of my website.

blessings and love,

Namaste 🙂

Mandana Rastan from Inner Peace Momvement on the show tomorrow


On Friday, March 13th, Mandana Rastan will be on the show to talk about the Inner Peace Movement of Canada. The IPM is all over the world, in about 40 different countries. Here are the details of Manada’s upcoming talk in North Vancouver. Tune in at 9am Pacific to hear her perspectives on Inner Peace.


“Believe in yourself and trust your feelings,” says Mandana Rastan, district leader with the Inner Peace Movement of Canada. Rastan will be giving a talk on Tuesday, March 24 at 7:00 pm at the Parkgate Branch of North Vancouver District Library, 3675 Banff Court.

“In an ever changing world we can face challenges with confidence if we have inner security,” says Rastan. “Instead of doubting ourselves and giving in to fear and worry, we can listen to our inner voice and find the answers we seek inside. We need to learn to trust ourselves, cultivate our intuition and create balance in our lives. By staying tuned in to our inner compass, we can make decisions that are right for us, helping us with our life purpose and direction.”

Having personally benefitted from the tools for better living offered by the Inner Peace Movement program, Rastan shares these with people who are committed to their own growth and success.

“The key is self-knowledge. When we understand ourselves and our true nature, we can be in charge of our lives, set goals and take action. Instead of spinning our wheels or going in all directions without meaningful results, we can access our vast potential, the genie within, and create what we want. We can focus on our priorities, use our energy and resources efficiently, and consistently find ourselves in the right place at the right time. This builds confidence, balance and energy. We can then have a more positive connection with our loved ones, our community and ourselves.”

During the seminar Rastan will guide participants in learning to trust their feelings and use their potential to reach their goals and enjoy life more. Participants will also learn about changing any

situation into a positive one, communicating with their inner guidance, the psychic gifts of perception, the seven-year cycles of life and reading auras. Following the talk Rastan will be available to work with community members to set up local study groups so participants can continue to expand their awareness and become more effective in dealing with themselves, their

loved ones and their community.

The Inner Peace Movement of Canada, an educational, non-profit organization, gives people practical tools and techniques to find answers for themselves and to create the life they would like to have. It is a common sense, step-by-step approach to help people to be self-sufficient and to feel that they are master of their own life.

The 1 ½ hour talk is $15, payable at the door. Everyone is welcome. For more information call the toll-free number 1 (877) 969-0095 or visit

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