Posts Tagged ‘optimism’

Marie Benard Discusses Mindfulness at the Maxwell House Optimism Cafe in Toronto – 3 of 3


Marie Benard discusses mindfulness at the Optimism Cafe – 2 of 3


Marie Benard discusses gratitude & random acts of kindness at the Optimism Cafe 1 of 3


Optimism is never wasted


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I’ve been chatting with people on Twitter about the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico today. It’s a topic that brings up a lot of sadness and anger for most people, I think. To watch, with a feeling of helplessness, as thousands of barrels of oil pump into our beautiful ocean every day is heartbreaking. So what can we do?

Does our anger and our sadness help the situation? If we could fill that hole with anger and sadness, it would have been sealed up weeks ago. It hurts my heart when I think of how terrible this situation is, ESPECIALLY when it’s something that is completely unnecessary. We don’t need to drill for oil in the ocean. It’s obvious how dangerous it is, and not just now that it’s happening. This could have been prevented by not drilling oil wells in the ocean. Plain and simple.

But it HAS happened and now we’re suffering the consequences. So what can we do about it?

Aside from cutting down our use of oil, which I think we all should do, and CAN do, what can we do with this anger and sadness? I urge you to turn that anger around. Whenever you feel that emotion of anger or sadness about the Gulf, take a moment and turn that energy towards hope. Send your loving intentions to the Gulf. Send your intention for a solution. Send your hope and optimism out into the world. All it takes is ONE spark of inspiration for a real solution. Sure, we still have all those other oil wells that shouldn’t even be there in the first place, but we can focus on healing that situation later. This crisis is calling for our collective intentions.

Yes, the BP people “deserve” much more than a spanking, but focusing on how they should be punished isn’t constructive. Focusing on the SOLUTION is the only thing that can save us now in this moment. It really is our only hope. When we spend our time and energy focusing on the problem, the bad guys, the idiocy and greed of it all, that is wasted energy. And many will say we have no control over this oil leak. For us, as individuals, that may be true. But our love, our hope and our pure intention is never wasted.

Today, and every day until the leak is sealed, let’s make a promise to re-focus our energy. As soon as we notice those negative feelings, stop and breathe and think about what you want to see happen. What we ALL want to see happen: a speedy solution, a quick clean-up, and a healthy ocean.

I pray this crisis will be the catalyst for positive environmental change. Won’t you join me?

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