Posts Tagged ‘law of attraction’

A daily quote from Abraham-Hicks


What better way could anyone spend money than back into the economy which gives more people work? What you call your economy is the exchange of human Energy. And so, think back a few hundred years about what your economy was in this nation. And what has changed? Have more resources been trucked in from other planets? Or have more people, over more time, just identified more things that they desire — and the Nonphysical Energy that is endless and infinite supplies that? We never hear any of you say, “Well, I have been well for so many years, that I’ve decided that I’m going to be sick for a while to allow some other people to be well.” Because you know that whether you’re well or not doesn’t have anything to do with them not getting enough wellness. You’re not using up the wellness and depriving them of it. And it is the same thing with the abundance. People that have managed to find vibrational harmony with abundance, so that it is flowing to them and through them — are not depriving anyone else of that abundance.

— Abraham

Excerpted from the workshop in Orlando, FL on Sunday, January 10th, 1999 #441 – to sign up for the daily quotes, visit

“I can’t afford it” mentality


This post is in response to Sue and Steve’s blog post here:
and my website is here:

What do you say when there’s something you’d like to do but maybe you don’t have the extra money to do it? The typical response is “I can’t afford it”, but anyone who studies the power of intention, the law of attraction or any similar way of thinking, knows that saying you “can’t afford it” is really just affirming that you can’t, and won’t, have the money for the things you want or need.

So what do you say instead of “I can’t afford it?” Surely there are times when all of us are faced with an opportunity to spend money on something, and it would be a lie to say we don’t want it or aren’t interested, but the reality is that there simply isn’t the extra money, RIGHT NOW, available for spending.
So how do you respond?

I’ve started saying, “it’s not in my budget.” It feels good to me to say that, instead of the more negative alternative. I feel it’s a fair explanation for the salesman who wants me to drop money on a product I don’t need (but might like to have some day), or that last minute vacation that comes up and I have to make a choice. Do I pay my rent this month so I have a safe place to live, or do I spend the money on a trip to meet up with friends in Vegas for the weekend? Using the words “I can’t afford it” is both debilitating, and really, not 100% true. I DO have the money to go to Vegas, IF that is my #1 priority. If I don’t mind being behind on the rent or having to couch surf for a few months so I can spend the money on a trip, then I could, technically, afford it. Of course, my choice is to have a safe and secure home and to pay my rent on time. So I say it’s not in the budget. I could buy that designer dress I’ll probably never wear. But my priority is to put food on the table and pay my bills on time, so the designer dress isn’t in my budget right now.

It’s not in my budget feels good for a number of reasons. #1, it feels honest. I’m not lying and saying I don’t want to do something, and I’m not fooling myself into slapping it on a credit card that’s nearly maxed out already. #2. when I think about my budget, I feel good about it. It’s the way I manage my money responsibly. It’s the way I am able to live securely, while remaining debt-free, and I know that I have money for all that I need, and a bit left over for some of the things that I want. It feels good to know that I’m responsible with my money, and it’s not coming from a place of fear or lack (at least for me, different things work for different people).
#3 even multi-millionaires have budgets if they’re responsible with their money. It’s a good way to manage your wealth, to keep and save some money and to enjoy spending what you’ve chosen to spend.

What feels best for you to say? Even a multi-millionaire (or even a billionaire) might sometimes turn down the purchase of something because it’s not in their budget. (let’s see… I could buy a castle today, or I could use the money to maintain my private jet…)

Another alternative that I might use is “that’s not a priority for me right now.” And then I’m able to feel thankful for what I have, without feeling that I’m experiencing LACK.

I’m looking forward to reading your comments on this. What phrase or statement do you make when your first instinct might be to say “I can’t afford it.” I’m interested to know what works and feels right to you.

James Ray Tragedy – Use YOUR Intuition


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I’ve said this before and I think I’m going to start saying it more often, again and again: Trust what feels right FOR YOU, no matter what any guru or spiritual leader or anyone else says. Unless you are completely mentally unstable to the point where you are not able to think clearly for yourself, ALWAYS trust your own inner guidance above what anyone else says.

You know what is best for you, you are the one living in your body and you alone have the perspective that is YOU.

I have to confess that I have been thinking of wrapping up the show for a number of months now. I am waffling and undecided, because there are so many things that I love about hosting a spirituality show. The wonderful people I’ve connected with, the amazing listeners. It is such a joy to get a phone call or email or tweet from someone who says, “What you said or what your guest said today was EXACTLY what I needed to hear.” I love knowing that, even on a small level, I’m making some kind of positive impact in the world.

However, through my spiritual journey and through all the requests of people who want to be on the show, or people whom I approach as potential guests, and in my own studies and spiritual interests, I keep coming across this inconsistencies & hypocrisies.
Then I hear about the James Ray incident, where 3 people have died so far from their participation in a sweat lodge. I don’t know all the details, as I wasn’t there, but being a person who can read the warning signs you see on any commercial sauna you step into, I know that there are very obvious risks involved with a sweat-lodge scenario.
Personally, I’d never participate in a sweat ceremony because I prefer a cool climate and get sick from the heat. But a bunch of people paid James Ray thousands in order to participate in this event. I think it’s a little harsh that the media is calling him a murderer. I’m sure it wasn’t his intention to harm anyone, he just screwed up– big time. This post isn’t directed at James and whatever mistakes he has made. It’s simply that this situation has made it even more obvious how important it is for us all to understand that we need to take responsibility for our own lives and the decisions we make. No amount of criminal action against James Ray is going to bring those people back. Ultimately, whether those people made the decision for themselves or if they were blindly following what they were being told to do, they are the ones who are dealing with the consequences of those actions. (I don’t want to discount the pain of the families in this situation and it’s not my place to judge, I wasn’t even there)

But people also need to understand that we can’t put our faith into another person and expect them to lead us to greatness, nirvana, whatever your goal in life is. It is up to US to do that for ourselves, and while it can be helpful to have people motivating us and guiding us along the way, the only person we can really depend on to make a decision on our behalf, is US.

I don’t care WHO this spiritual guru is. I don’t care how famous they are, how many times they’ve been on Oprah, how many dozens of books they have, how many millions of dollars they bring in ever year, and how many celebrities they hang out with. None of them know enough about YOU to tell you how to live your life.

That’s not to say you shouldn’t study and learn from the people you admire. There is so much to learn out there, and there are so many wonderful and inspirational teachers who have helped many, many people. But they are human. Each one of them is fallible. Each one of them has days when they say things they didn’t mean to say. If you look closely at the personal lives of many people who we all look up to, you will see that even they are not everything they claim to be.

I keep wanting to say, that doesn’t mean you need to discount everything they say. It just means, THINK FOR YOURSELF. If something doesn’t sit well with you, don’t do it! If you disagree with something a teacher has said or written, it doesn’t automatically mean you’re not enlightened enough to understand. Seriously. Anyone who says that, notice it as a BIG RED FLAG.

It’s true, sometimes there’s information that we might not be aligned with at one point in our lives and at another time it will make perfect sense. But that doesn’t mean you were wrong to disagree from wherever you were at the time.

Yesterday, I had an altercation with a popular guru that left me in absolute tears. I was so upset, as I was shocked at the behavior of this person who I have admired and respected. This is the second such incident I’ve experienced, with two different very popular, very well-respected spiritual leaders. I will not mention names as this is in no way meant to tarnish their reputations. It’s just meant to show you that even the most respected, the most powerful, the most intelligent, well-connected, “spiritual” people have bad days and make mistakes.

That is why it is SO, SO, SO incredibly important that we take what they say and use what feels good and let go of the rest. When we put our faith in another human being (even if that human claims to be channeling a spiritual entity, talking to angels, God, or anyone else), we need to understand that we are ALL human. NO HUMAN IS BETTER THAN YOU ARE. We are all equal. Some people may have made better life decisions or be in a better place of influence, but that does not elevate them to the point where their teachings are what you should base your life on.

I send this message to you with love and respect. It is just so important to me that we all are able to experience the love and light that is available to us all. Just, please, follow your instincts and do what feels right to you. If your spidy senses start tingling and your BS detectors start ringing, take notice. Don’t ignore those indicators.

If God or the Universe or evolution or chance or whatever you believe is responsible for you being here… if that force wanted you to blindly follow what other people tell you to do, it wouldn’t have supplied you with your own instincts and intuition. That indicator system is within you for a reason. So use it:) (even if you think what I’ve written is complete crap, good, think for yourself and use your own judgment!)

Love & hugs! Thanks for reading, I’m so looking forward to your comments!!

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