Archive for the ‘success’ Category

Module 2 is halfway through!


I’m already halfway through Module 2 of Erickson College’s Art and Science of Coaching. This module is just flying by! I am really enjoying it, and I think I might have taken it on a weekly basis rather than the accelerated twice a week pace… though maybe I would be hungry for more if it was once a week.

In the past week, we have covered a lot of tools in time management, examining our perception of time (and how our clients view time), prioritizing tasks, visioning and mission statements and how to empower our clients to create more passion and motivation for their projects. It’s been an exciting and knowledge-packed week!

The Law of Attraction vs. Action


A lot of people following the Law of Attraction phenomenon believe that Law of Attraction is all there is. The only force in the universe and all you have to do is get feeling good and sit on your butt and things will come knocking on your door.

For me, it is becoming incredibly frustrating. There seems to be no balance in this way of thinking. We live in a physical reality. We live in an action-based reality. All of us are required to DO things in order to GET things. Some people do, do, do, do and work very hard and struggle and don’t get very far, and others do less work and accomplish much more. I believe attitude and the Law of Attraction is what is responsible for this.

But the people who are truly successful, even those who admit they focus on feeling good and the Law of Attraction, they are still DOING stuff. In fact, successful people are usually quite busy doing a LOT of physical actions in order to get where and what they want.

Perhaps the TYPE of actions they take are different than those who are miserable and unsuccessful. An unsuccessful person may spend 8-10 hours each day working for minimum wage. That is hard work, and they are not getting very much from that action.
A successful person may spend as many hours or more each day working, but they are meeting with many people, they are delegating responsibilities and they are enjoying their work. But they are STILL putting forth action.

The difference between inspired action, and backbreaking, miserable, belabored action is huge. It’s the difference between scrubbing toilets and having a staff of people who scrub your toilet for you.

But there IS action that is needed in order to get to this place. So how do we balance the positive thinking with the action? I see people from all walks of life who believe in the Law of Attraction, study it, meditate, focus on good feeling thoughts… but there is SOMETHING more that separates the good feeling poor people and the good feeling successful people.

I know many LOA students will be up in arms, saying I’m focusing on what I don’t want, or that I’m taking score too soon. But there IS something different going on here. For example, my radio show. I love my show and it’s a wonderful experience. I would like to earn my living working in radio. So what is the difference between the action I am taking with my show, and the actions of others who have similar shows and are raking in the money? Do others simply have a better business sense?

When all of us are focusing on good feeling thoughts and what we want rather than what we don’t want, what is that other variable that is separating the successful from the… shall we say somewhat less successful?

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