Archive for the ‘pay it forward’ Category

Module 2 is halfway through!


I’m already halfway through Module 2 of Erickson College’s Art and Science of Coaching. This module is just flying by! I am really enjoying it, and I think I might have taken it on a weekly basis rather than the accelerated twice a week pace… though maybe I would be hungry for more if it was once a week.

In the past week, we have covered a lot of tools in time management, examining our perception of time (and how our clients view time), prioritizing tasks, visioning and mission statements and how to empower our clients to create more passion and motivation for their projects. It’s been an exciting and knowledge-packed week!

Thank you, fellow bus passengers! I love you!


I normally drive my room mate’s car to buy groceries, but I went to the store after my chiropractor appointment with plans to buy only a few things. I ended up buying enough groceries to fill 3 bags. Heavy stuff like cans of soup.
So I decided to take the bus instead of walking home with the bags.

I got on the bus and placed my heavy bags down by an elderly lady sitting in one of the courtesy seats at the front of the bus. I was listening to my MP3 player so I had to take out my headphones when she tried to talk to me. She said I could push my bags under her seat if I wanted.
Then another man got up and offered me his seat. I said thanks but told him I was getting off in a couple stops so I was fine.
Then ANOTHER man offered me a seat that became available. I was just about to get off so I didn’t need it.
Taking the bus is not one of my favourite pass times, especially during rush hour, which it was on this particular voyage. But I have to give kudos to those wonderful bus passengers, to the Universe, or whatever. I didn’t need a seat but when I got off the bus I just felt so BLESSED. I was treated so kindly, in a jam-packed bus during rush hour when people are normally a bit tired, a bit grumpy and just want to zone out and get home without interacting or making efforts to help out.
But today, the bus ride was a beautiful and uplifting experience. I just wanted to share it because someone on Twitter asked me about gratitude. (I’m SpiritualShow on Twitter, by the by!)
And I am definitely grateful to those wonderful spirits who shared the bus with me today. A little kindness goes a long way.
I want to pay it forward and send my love your way right now. Thank you for being you.
here’s a link to my spirituality and wellness radio show site

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